We had a very nice chat with Trav's doctor today and were able to ask the questions that have been brewing over the last few days. He will go in once a week for treatments and in 8 weeks we will do another scan to see how he is responding to it. *crossing fingers* If it seems to be working he will continue on with the same medicine. Our hope is that it works, and he can do this for years and years. If this medicine doesn't work, there are a few other options he can try, but we will hopefully not have to cross that bridge!
Tuesday seems to be a big day for us. Travis will go in to meet with a surgeon about getting a "port" put in. (This will make them able to hook his IV up to his chest and he wont have to get his veins pricked every week. He also will go in for an MRI to check his brain and make sure it hasn't spread there. Later during the day he will go in for a bone scan. It has affected his rib, so they want to see if it has gone anywhere else. The best part about this is that Travis feels fine. He doesn't have any aches or pains. If this medicine works, he will continue to feel pretty healthy. We are lucky in that area. I know that when it spreads to the bone it can be a very painful thing, so thank goodness he feels okay.
I guess that is about all we learned today. After Tuesday it is really just a waiting game-and we will be doing a whole lot of praying. Once again I feel like I need to write a few things that I am thankful for today. I know this may seem silly, but it really helps my attitude!
Another nieghbor and friend came over today. She brought a poinsetta, and a barbie for each of the girls. I LOVE that she thought of the girls. I am trying so hard for them to feel normal and for our house to feel happy. So thankyou for that!
Trisha stopped by today too bearing Papa Murpheys Pizza's for us. (they look delicious!) Trisha has been a friend for such a long time and it was just so nice to have her think of us. Thankyou T-lee. I love and appreciate you.
The bishopric stopped by tonight. We love these men. Travis has had the pleasure through his calling to get very close to them. They brought such a great spirit into our home tonight. The Bishop sat us down and told us that when things like this happen, there are two paths you can take. One-you can be angry with God. You can blame him and turn away from him. Or Two-you can turn to him. You can lean on him, and have him carry you through this. What a beautiful message! We are doing our best to lean on him, along with leaning on all of you.
I promise these sappy daily posts will stop soon. Thankyou all again.
Hayley, I'm glad you are posting often. I am sure it helps you! Also, all of us millions of support friends don't have to pester you everyday, asking for updates. We just want to know how You, Trav, & the girls are doing. Please, don't hesitate to ask for anything. We are praying for you daily. Are you going to make it to that Achievement Day's party Friday? Hope so - see you there.
Once again, you're making ME feel better. Thank you for this post. I am so grateful we have the gospel in our lives during times like these. LOVE the picture of Travis, I just know how much he enjoyed that!
Keep posting as often as you need to. We all want to be kept updated about everything plus if he helps you then it is definitely a good thing.
Wow, what a lot to take. I just caught up on your posts and my heart and hugs go out to you and your family. That is a wonderful message the bishopric left you with and for all of us to remember. We will keep you in our prayers and please keep posting updates.
So you don't know me but i'm great friends with your sister. I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you. If I can do anything, even from Mtn. Home, let me know!
I've been thinking about you and your family alot. We are praying for you and miss you guys.I'm glad Travis is feeling good. Thanks for the posts, you are amazing!!
Hi Hayley, I just want to say to all of your friend who read your blog and those who don't that I am thankful to all of them for the love they have for you and Travis and for the love you will feel every second as you go through this trial. I think you have been blessed with this love because of the love you have for everyone and for the way you live your lives. You have always had such a way of giving joy and fun to others. I love you Hay. Mom
I didn't even think to look on your blog because I really didn't expect anything on it for a while...what an example you are to me Hayley. Thanks for all the up dates on Travis. You are truly blessed with such good friends, neighbors and family. I only wish I was close enough to help out. But you definately have our prayers and love. We will be in Logan on Sat. and we'll come visit....Love you Sue
I am really glad you are posting, it is such a great way to keep updated. You always write awesome posts! And everyone I know is so concerned for you guys!! I am glad you came by today, Sienna looked adorable, as usual!! I have been thinking about you a lot, and Peyton has been praying for Addy's dad. Let me know if you need anything!! I am glad Travis is feeling good though, I'm sure it makes things easier. Hang in there! Hope to see you tonight!
Don't let the sappy posts end PLEASE. Its good for us so we can know what you're going through and be there for you and its good for you to be able to write things down. This is like a journal so write whatever you want. Good luck with everything!!! I hope you can have a MERRY christmas!!!!! God bless you!!!
I too am glad for the update. I hope that you have had what you need and got a rest too. Don't end the posts!
Well, needless to say we all want you to keep doing the posts. I talk to you all the time, but I like reading the posts too! I love what your bishopric said. I'm not going to lie when I say this whole thing has shaken my faith a little bit. So, I was glad you wrote that message in your blog! Go figure, you are the one that we are all trying to help, yet here you are helping all of us! I love you!
Along with everyone else I am grateful for the updates. You are such an amazing family and I am grateful to know you! It is also good to be reminded how important prayer is!
You are just too amazing and so is your wonderful family! I look up to you soo much! And Travis expecially seems to be so strong in this well you all do. You have such a strong spirit and I admire you. You are all continually in our prayers! Please know we are all here for you always through bad times and good! We love you!
Your husband is lucky to have an awesome wife like you. You are so strong and are an amazing example to all of us who read your blog everyday. Keep the posts up.
PS....I did see they finally cast Edward. I wasn't a huge fan at first, but I think he has grown on me! I might possibly go crazy by the time they get done with this movie! Isn't he Cedric in HP?
I am going to be honest...I cannot stop crying for you...and selfishly me...and our little families who never thought this would be our lives. (Okay, I am trying to shut down the water works at the pity party…not working…not working…okay I got it…nope…not budging…I think it is going to take a few minutes!) But seriously, I have not spoken to you in years and yet I cannot tell you how much I love you and how much my heart aches for you! As I am sure you know, it hits very close to home and just breaks my heart all over again.
I know you have so many people who love you and are taking care of you, but I sincerely wish I could do something for you. The one thing I can and will do is add your Travis to my prayers next to my Mason and have faith that God is in charge and he knows what he is doing. Your right, the priesthood is amazing! I do not know where I would be right now without the gospel. I cannot imagine doing this without it! People out there do not realize what they are missing!
Ugh…Sorry for the record breaking “longest response ever”! And so serious... I just want you to know I am thinking of you and will be there for you in any way that I can! Call me if you need a laugh, a cry, or a venting session…I can do it all!
If someone would have told me that we would be doing the cancer thing together back in the days of making NO DOUBT music videos during crazy fun summer sleepovers at the Johnson’s house, I would have never believed them.
Take Care!
So I haven't even checked any blogs for a while and I come back to this. Your family is in our prayers. I know you have lots of family and friends close but if I can do ANYTHING, anything at all please let me know!
I just want you to know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. you have such a good attitude about the situation, I would only hope I would be as positive and uplifting as you! I'm so glad you have your cute little "angels" to keep you smiling! I know how much happiness 2 little girls can bring in to the home. Keep us posted on everything!
I think you are such a strong person! You are so positive, I think that is awesome! It's so nice that you have such great support, too. I keep your little fam in my prayers every day. Keep posting often! Love, Jamie
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