Friday, November 4, 2011

{Halloween Goodness}

Each year my mom throws a little pumpkin carving
party for the kids. They love it, and the men pretend
to hate it while being utterly competitive and breaking
out special drills and tools to make it perfect.

It's always fun to watch.

Here's Adyson gearing up to carve, with
a little help from Gpa.
And Roo. So excited!

They turned out really great!

On Halloween the ladies had
a parade at their school. We moms wait outside
for a good half hour watching for our kids
and picturing them being excited to see us....

but Adyson pretty much snubbed me.
She looked my way, smiled-and ran past
as fast as she could.

Sienna at least gave me a quick smile.Before Trick or Treating I wanted to get
a cute shot of them together.

My kids should really work on their posing.
(Total Sarcasm)

We always love seeing what Amy comes up with
for Simon and Lucy. This year Simon was
a boy turning into a werewolf. Pretty fabulous!

I sure love Halloween and am a bit
sod it's over...but bring on the Holidays!

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