Wow, I didn't realize it has been so long since I have posted. Today I recieved a few e-mails, a phone call, and a slightly bossy comment (thanks Amy), wondering if we were okay. So, yes, we are fine. Just lazy! Nothing too exciting is going on here and I am welcoming that change! After the last few weeks I'm loving the calm.
This year we rang in the New Year at our house. It was a pretty fun night with games, too much food, and we even had the fake champaigne and a toast. I for one, am hoping that this year brings us miracles. Not too much to ask for, right?
Don't you just love our New Year's kiss? It looks like I am attacking him!
Travis had his fourth treatment today. He seems to be doing pretty well. The side effects are small compared to Chemo, but annoying just the same. He gets cankers, headaches, sore throats, dry skin, and feels pretty tired. Nothing my man can't handle, just the facts. His spirits are good though and he never complains. We are still getting cards and phone calls from so many people expressing concern. I don't know how many times I have heard that someone I "once knew" was going through some hard times and thought "I should send a card or call or something." But decided against it fearing they would think I was intruding. I will never hesitate again. It has been great to reconnect with so many people and we feel so blessed to know that so many people are on our side. Thanks again to all of you!
This week I went to lunch with some friends who I used to work with. My old boss and friend who lost her husband very unexpectedly was also there. She is now raising her children with more courage than I think I could ever have. I took a little bit of strength from her. I thought, if she could get through her trials, then we can too. Thankyou ladies for all being there for me eventhough I don't see any of you enough! I feel blessed to know you guys!
On a diferent note, Adyson and Sienna are sick. Sienna has a double ear infection and Adyson's throat is killing her. She is coughing pretty hard too, and will see the doctor tomorrow. I'm finding my patience is wearing thin. They aren't sleeping good, and Travis and I are getting grumpier as the week progresses! So as you read this, understand I am tired and forgive me if I make no sense!
Wow, this post is getting long. I'm sorry! Here are my ABC's of 2007.
Adyson turned 3 this year, started pre-school and learned to ride a bike.
Brielle was born and is an angel.
Christmas brought snow, gifts, and very humble hearts.
Daddy finished the basement!
Entertaining...something we did a lot of this year.
Faith was found.
Games were played this year. Among the favorites, Killer Bunnies-Monopoly-Curses.
Hair was cut...finally.
Ice-cream was eaten!
July brought fireworks, camping, Lagoon, and the Dinosaur park.
Kindess was shown.
Love was felt.
Many old friends we reconnected with.
Nursery was my calling all year long.
Overcome with emotions!
Princesses. My girls dressed up like princesses daily this year!
Quite time was non-existant this year!
Read many books. A few favorites, Twilight, Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice and Kite Runner
Sienna turned one and started walking, talking, and really showing her beautiful personality.
Travis kept me laughing all year long.
Unbelievably girls got even cuter this year!
Very blessed.
We got a Wii!
X-rays were had.
Youthful, our girls are keeping us young!
Zoo Day was one of my favorites all year long.