Saturday, September 22, 2012

{The Latest}

I really should call this blog
'unloading my iphone'
cuz that seems to be the theme these days.
I haven't broke out my real camera in months....

But at least I'm capturing something...right?
 Here's the latest.

It seems to be that in the fall I become a little obsessed with 
baking.  By a little I mean a lot.  Somebody help me.

I promised the ladies we would make some sugar
cookies and even though it almost killed me,
I let them frost ALL of them.
And add whatever they wanted.
They loved it.
I'm letting go of control people!

 Roo went and lost another front tooth.
she's a toothless little lady.
And a cute what and that.
 Adyson-my adorable 3rd grader got to teach her class last week.
Each Friday a student gets to teach the class whatever they want to teach them.
Adyson chose to teach them how to make some adorable bookmarks.
It was really fun to go and watch her and let her do it all on her own.
She did a great job and is growing up into such an adorable, and smart little thing!
(I love this goofy picture of her.  It makes me smile every single time I see it.)
 That same day was the Tri school trot.
The ladies had a blast.
Sienna went with my mom and I bet she ran
3 miles by the time she was done.  She has so much energy
and just wanted to run with all of her friends at least once..

Adyson did great too.  She found her new bff and after running 
they went out for snow cones.
Love being part of such a great community!
 Last Saturday we went with the Kidmans to the Brigham City Temple.
It was beautiful!
 And so much fun to take the girls and let them be in awe of all of the beauty.
 We are very, very grateful that our family can be together forever.
 Grandma Lorraine has been teaching the girls to sew.
 They have LOVED it
and now officially are better sewers then me.

 Sienna had me do her hair into a bow the other day 
before school.
I think it's pretty darn cute!
Adyson was jealous but her hair is TOO darn thick (Lucky girl!)
The girls are loving school and enjoying the last few weeks of
being able to ride their bikes to school before the freezing cold hits.
I just adore them!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

{A little Kidman re-cap}

Well, we've made it through a full week of school.
It's been the craziest, busiest few weeks I can remember,
but it's been FUN!

I'm dumping my camera for the recap.

This is my house almost daily after school.
The ladies and their friends doing homework.
I seriously miss them during the day and cannot wait
to have them home.
It's my favorite part of the day!
 This little lady lost her front tooth.
I ADORE that smile!
 The ladies have spent hours, and hours,
and hourse, chalking their playhouse.
It's totally Punky Brewster.  I love it!
I got me a job.  (Roo took this on my first day).
I'm a bonafide aide for some Kindergarten classes,
which is why this week has been so nuts.
I'm struggling getting used to working and
being mom.
Finding a balance is tough!
Kudos to working moms.
 Me and the ladies were maxi twinners at church the other day.
LOVE these girls of mine!
 BIGGEST and BEST part of the week is that Travis
and I celebrated our 10th Anniversary on Sept. 6th.
We are planning a little celebration trip in another month,
so we didn't do too much to celebrate.
But man-I love him.
More each day.
It's been a very good 10 years!
 We did get some celebratory sushi.
And it was perfection!
(Love the tender mercy of our anniversary falling on an off week for T.
Made for a carefree, feel good night!)
 Another tender mercy is that ICON Lagoon Day also fell
on his off week. 
The ladies love this day and we were really excited to 
enjoy it as a family.

On the way down the girls were practicing holding hands
'in case they get scared' on the rides.
They didn't know I took this shot,
which makes me love how authentically happy they look.
Unless they are fighting...
 They were brave little ladies and had a blast!
 T and I learned that we are getting old
and by ride 4 we felt a little off...and queasy.
 But they wouldn't slow down.
SIDENOTE:They chose to wear their leopard skinnies on the same day.
It made me laugh.
 I mentioned we felt queasy, 
so they chose to go on rides alone.
Including the new 'air race' ride that goes
really fast, around and around and upside down.
We felt like terrible parents...
but they lived.
 And we enjoyed just watching them.
It was a lovely night.
 Made all the better by a quick stop at Nelsons frozen custard on the way home.
It's. just. soooo. good.

Hoping our schedule calms a bit and we can manage it all!