The ladies have kept us BUSY the past few weeks.
It's been so fun watching them wrap up their activities,
but we aren't sure what to do with all this extra time now
that it's all over!
Sienna's Dance recital.
It was adorable.
She did a great job,
and really, really likes the spotlight.
Her BFF Cate.
They do everything together.
One of our very favorite things about Roo is her huge smile.
It gets so big when she is dancing that she can't see.
I adore this!
(Let's not talk about how she lost her shoes.)
She spotted us!
(These fabulous pictures were taken by my brother in law Devin.)
And soccer is over.
Sienna loved soccer this year,
but somehow she got progressively less aggressive as
the year went on.
I love this shot,
doesn't she have the eye of the tiger?
Her team.
All neighborhood kids and friends.
I'm curious if she will stick it out next year.
I hope she does...
but we shall see.
Adyson also had her Tavaci concert.
This picture makes me want to cry.
Where did my little girl go?
I love what Tavaci has done for Adyson.
She's grown so much confidence because of it.
And we were so proud of her at the concert.
It seems this year everything has really clicked for her
and she knew everything by heart and didn't miss a thing.
It was so much fun to watch.
(2 reasons this is the only picture of her that night.
1-we had terrible seats so I couldn't get an on stage shot.
and 2-she wouldn't let me take any. She said 1 was enough.)
We do love her as much as her camera loving sister.
I promise.
Adyson also had her class program last week.
It was just adorable.
She loves the spotlight and grinned the whole way through.
And she is quite the Ham!
We loved her facial expressions.
They were delightful.
What we didn't love?
Watching her turn around and flirt!
with the boys behind her.
Stop the growing.
This past year we have really loved both Adyson and Sienna's teachers.
It's been a very hard year for the girls with us being gone a lot
and life feeling rather hectic.
Emotionally, it's been hard on them.
These teachers have hugged them when we weren't around.
They've put up with many worried e-mails and phone calls,
and provided such stability for our kids.
We are just so sad that we can't keep them around another year.
I feel very blessed that they've been there for my kids.
This is Mrs. C-
and she is amazing.
This week is it,
and then our summer begins!
We are ready for sleeping in. (OK, I am),
lazy days,
lots of Popsicles, and playing.
I wonder if the rain will stop so we can have all that?